Why Buy Cialis, Online without a previous prescription, Over Viagra?

Tadalafil, brand name Cialis®, has a distinct advantage over Viagra® and Levitra® for a number of reasons. One, Cialis® lasts up to 36 hour verses 4 hours for the other two erectile dysfunction prescription drugs. Since Viagra® and Levitra® must be taken between one-half hour and four hours before sexual activity (about one hour before is most effective) there is the potential for a missed opportunity. On the other hand Cialis® can be taken on a Friday and be effective clear through Sunday. This allows men to have spontaneous sex. This is definitely more appealing.

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The second reason is value. There may be times where you do not communicate your sexual intensions. What happens when you have taken a Viagra® pill because you plan on having sex that night and something comes up? Your pretty much out a pill. Had you taken a Cialis® pill you could postpone intimacy until morning or any time the next day. With the new Daily Use pill you can be ready everyday.

Why Buy Cialis From Us?

One, because we are a U.S. pharmacy. Most consumers in the United States are completely unaware that it is illegal to purchase prescriptions drugs from foriegn countries. Two, because no previous prescription is necessry. We have physicians on staff for your free online consultation. Our physicians make sure that we can safely prescribe Cialis® for you. Three, we have the most competitive prices for authentic US prescription Cialis®. Four, once you are approved we will ship you your Cialis® precription pills next day FedEx.

What Are You Waiting For?

The time is now. Order today.